Know More about Kayachikitsa in Ayurveda
Kayachikitsa department deals with the school of General Medicine in Ayurveda and lays the foundation for all other branches of Ayurveda treatment. It is a prominent Department comprising of both internal and external therapies.
Kayachikitsa in Ayurveda deals with acute and chronic condition of various types of
Jwara (fever)
Vata Disorders (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Osteoarthritis, etc. Prameha (Diabetes Mellitus)
Vrikka Rogas (Renal Disorders)
Rasayana (Rejuvenation therapy) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) comes under this Department, which shows excellent results in the present era in the prevention of life-style disorders. Kayachikitsa is the prime and first branch among the eight branches of Ayurveda. The physician who is trained in this specialty deals with diagnosing severe diseases that occur in various internal organs of the body causing systemic and multi-systemic symptoms. Kayachikitsa specialists usually treat adults and focus in prevention, diagnosis and management of chronic disorders. The specialists study, consider and make connections from multiple data sets, and recognize solutions for best health outcomes in holistic way. The specialists of this department are considered as “doctor’s doctor” as they are frequently called upon by other specialists from other branches of Ayurveda for their skill to connect the dots and help to solve the chronic and severe health conditions. The two other major specialties of Ayurveda; namely Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac and male infertility management) are also handled in this department. The main health conditions that are managed in this department are-
Obesity (Sthaulyam): Weight reduction strategy with the help of diet, exercise, medicine, Panchakarma procedure and yoga is the one of main area concerned in this department.
Diabetes mellitus (Prameha)
Liver disorders(Kaamala)
Gastro intestinal illnesses like peptic ulcer, Irritable bowel disease, chronic appendicitis etc(Ajirna, sula, Grahani, gulma etc): Specialists with innovative training, who research, diagnose and treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver in our institution.
Bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis (Swasa , kasa ): Our Specialists treat patients with diseases of the lungs in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.
Skin diseases like psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema, fungal skill infections etc (tvak roga)
Anemia (Pandu): Different kinds of anemia are diagnosed and treated.
Neurological deficits like stroke, Parkinsonism etc (Vata vyadhi)
Different kinds of Arthritis (Sandigata vata, amavata etc ): Specialists experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and supplementary diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. We conduct research to control the cause and better treatments for these disabling and at times fatal diseases.
Sciatica (Gridrasi): Sciatica and other forms of Low back ache due to mechanical and non mechanical causes are treated with both internal and external proceedures
Different kinds of fevers (Jwara): Our department Specialists diagnose and treat contagious and non-contagious diseases coming out of various forms of infection.
Bleeding disorders (Raktapitta): Specialists with advanced training who specialized in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders affecting the blood, bone marrow, and the immunologic, hemostatic and vascular systems.
Psychiatric illness (Manasika roga): Mood disorders anxiety, depression, loss of sleep etc will be traeed in our department
Male infertility (Klaibya): We give virtuous treatment for male infertility produced out of different causes, Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Geriatric problems (Vardhakya vikara): Specialty of Kayachikitsa concerned with the health and well-being of older adults. We study conditions specific to aging, including geriatric valuation and rehabilitation, preventive medicine, management of patients in long-term care settings, and psycho-social related to geriatric patients.
Allergy and Immunology: Specialty of internal medicine concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of problems with the human immune system.
Our institution is equipped with well-trained specialists in this field providing OPD/IPD facilities.